We are a condensed matter experimental research group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA).
TQM develops thermodynamic techniques to study quantum materials at the micron scale in high magnetic fields.

Review the latest publication “Quantum Fluctuations Suppress the Critical Fields in BaCo2(AsO4)2“ from our graduate student Shiva Safari by clicking the paper title or image below.

Want to know what goes on inside our lab?
There’s a lot that happens at TQM at the Microscale on a day-to-day basis, and we’ve been keeping our social media feeds updated with information about our 14T Oxford Instruments magnet install, ongoing quantum materials research, how to keep yourself entertained when working from home, and other happenings & events around ISTA.
Our Team
Our team members consist of scientists from many different educational and cultural backgrounds.
We seek self-motivated and hard-working individuals that are excited about the fundamental physics of new materials!
Get to know the current members below.