Open Positions


We are always looking for motivated students who are excited about quantum materials. Candidates with a strong background in condensed matter physics, materials science, or engineering (both Bachelor’s or Master’s degree) are encouraged to apply to the Graduate School of ISTA. Once admitted into the graduate program, students spend their first year working in 3-4 different research groups. This provides a nice opportunity to explore your research interests and capabilities, and determine which research area and group are a good fit for you. We currently plan to affiliate one new graduate student into TQM each year.


We currently do not have any open positions for Masters Thesis applicants. The application period will open again after May 2025, so please contact us then if you are still interested in working with TQM at the Microscale at ISTA. Future Masters Thesis work will start in September 2025 at the earliest.


We currently do not have any open positions for scientific interns.


We currently do not have any open positions for Postdoctoral Researchers.

Have any questions? Please direct them here.


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